Magic Leap: Build Settings
/A super awesome, magical fun adventure.
Setting things up can be a bit confusing, but it’s alright I will guide you young Padawan.
Point being IT’S FUN. Keywords right there.
So let's get started on Magic Leap One.
There’s 8 Core Platform Features that you’d need to get used to when doing anything on ML1.
Build Settings
Hand poses
Hand tracking (I’ll add Image Tracking to this one)
Plane extraction
Sound stuff
To do ANYTHING on the ML1 you need to set up your Unity/Unreal/Other-Software configuration so here’s step one BUILD SETTINGS. I’ll be using Unity in this case.
*This guide assumes you’ve already set up your environment with the Magic Leap Package Manager and have downloaded the SDK and everything but if not FEAR NOT, I will guide you young padawan (but later).
First up, ya need to add some privileges to that minority.
File -> Build Settings -> Player Settings. If you didn’t put in the SDK path into the Lumin SDK location yet, do it now. It’ll be something like C:\Users\User\MagicLeap\mlsdk\v0.17.0
Look at those beautiful paint skills
1.1. Import your Magic leap Unity Package. Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package -> navigate to to package location -> Import C:\Users\User\MagicLeap\tools\unity\v0.17.0\MagicLeap-0.17.0
*NOTE if during your build or you’ve transferred projects to another computer and you get an error along the lines of “UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap error [something something paraphrase something]” it means the package wasn’t imported. So you know... import it.
2. Under the Inspector tab, clicky on the Settings for Lumin OS and expand the Publish settings.
3. Select all the privileges you want you app to have. If you want it to recognize gestures click the “GesturesConfig”. You most definitely want to select the “WorldReconstruction” if you want it to be able to use meshing (ESSENTIAL and we’ll get into that later.)
4. As Nintendo said long ago “anything not saved will be lost”, so save your changes.
5. At this point you can generate developer certificates or not. The certificates are only needed once you decide to put your build on the ML1 device.
So, now that’s out of the way GET TO WORK CODE MONKEY.