Magic Leap: Build Settings (2019)
/You know what sucks initially and eventually when you stop being a bitch ass bitch is kind of awesome?
As much as we are creatures of habit, we are also creatures of innovation.
So stop being a bitch ass bitch and update some shit.
Here we go
Magic Leap build settings for Unity 2019.
First off, the only thing you really need to download from the Magic Leap Package Manager is the Magic Leap Unity Package. Almost like a poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially for Kuzco, Kuzco’s poison.
I am not known for my paint skills
So you’ve already downloaded Unity 2019.1.<n> right? If you haven’t, do it now. Open Unity Hub, add a version and remember to CHECK Lumin OS (Magic Leap) Build Support.
You know the drill
Make your ML Project
Now you’re going to make a new project, name it something, make sure it’s template is 3D and check the location of where the project is saved.
Next, and a very important next is to Import XR Legacy Input Helpers. Window > Package Manager > XR Legacy Input Helpers. This package contains all the information on Unity-supported input devices for VR, AR, and WMR (Windows Mixed Reality). Also for our beloved ML1. This is muy importante otherwise we can’t use any of the ML1 Input API.
install install
Preferences & Build Settings
Go to your Edit > Preferences and when you’re there click on the External Tools horizontal tab thingy. This is where we’re going to set the path of the Lumin SDK, so click on browse and go to the place the Magic Leap Package Manager downloaded your Lumin SDK. (/Users/user/MagicLeap/mlsdk/v<n>.<nn>.<n> ).
Next go to your build settings and click on the cute little Magic Leap mascot and switch platform.
Now this is where things get interesting
Click on the mascot to go into the Magic Leap settings.
Under Other Settings, set the Color Space to Linear.
Under XR Settings, check Virtual Reality Supported and set the Stereo Rendering Mode to Single Pass Instanced.
Close Build Settings
Import that Package
You know this part.
Assets > Import Package > Custom Package, go to that juicy Magic Leap package (/Users/user/MagicLeap/tools/unity/v<n>.<nn>.<n>/) and import it.
Copy manifest file Get the Magic Leap Camera in the hierarchy
This is a different step than we’ve seen. What we do is
Navigate to the manifest folder
Assets > MagicLeap > Examples > Plugins > Lumin
Right click > show in explorer > copy file, CTRL+C
IN THE FILE EXPLORER, go to Assets > Plugins > Lumin. If you don’t have a Lumin folder CREATE ONE
Paste manifest file
Next is we’re going to search for the Magic Leap Main Camera prefab
Delete the Main Camera from the hierarchy
Assets > MagicLeap > Core > Prefabs
Drag the Main Camera into the hierarchy
And we’re done!